What other better ways to earn money than sales
What other better ways to earn money than sales? Sale is the act of selling a product or service in return for money or other compensation. What we see in the society nowadays? - Business, everywhere. Since the industrial revolution, businesses have been developing and have led to globalization. Opportunities is in this industry are rising. However, before we thought of the very good opportunities brought by the business industry, one must have to learn to manage sale. Behind every business profit drives, there is this called sales management. Sales management is business discipline which is focused on the practical application of sales techniques and the management of a firm 's sales operations. It is an important business function as net sales through the sale of product. These are also typically the goals and performance indicators of sales management. Sales manager is the typical title of someone whose role is sales management. The role typically involves talent development and leadership. Hence, for businesses to be successful in a changing market environment, sales managers should understand the importance of emerging trends in the following areas: (1) Global Perspective, (2) Technological Revolution, (3) Customer Relationship Management (CRM), (4) Sales Force Diversity, (5) Team Selling Approach, (6) Managing Multi-Channels and (7) Ethical and Social Issues.
Global competition is intensifying. Domestic companies who never thought about foreign competitors are suddenly finding them in their backyard. This is a challenge which sales managers and salesperson must take on; they have to improve their personal selling efforts not only in their countries but also in foreign countries. Selling goods and services in global markets presents a challenge due to differences in culture, language, needs and requirements.
Digital revolution (the change from analog mechanical and electronic technology to digital technology that has taken place since about 1980 and
References: http://salesmanagement.org/research/single-article/six-emerging-trends-in-sales-force-effectiveness-for-sales-managers