Week 8
ENGL 135
Ayano Moon
Dr: Cynthia Hallett
DeVry University
What Rights Do Animals Have? In October 2011, dozens of exotic animals such as lions and rare tigers were released into human population by local private owner, Terry Thompson. This act not only put hundreds of the local populated area at very alarming high risk of extreme danger, it also led to “49 animals were slaughtered, including 18 Bengal tigers, 17 lions, six black bears, a pair of grizzlies, three mountain lions, two wolves and a baboon.”(abc news, paragraph7). Soon after Mr. Thompson released these animals, he then, cowardly took his own life. Mr. Thompson had a history of trouble with the local authorizes before many times in the past but was he the source of the problem the lead to one of the worst animal’s massacre in our nation history. If someone gives a chimpanzee a gun and the chimpanzee shots someone, is the blame on the chimp or is the blame for that someone that gave the gun to the chimp in the first place? The laws that are in place for animal protection may be the gun that is giving to the chimp. Of course animals and human rights are different by nature because of where humans are placed at on the evolutionary scale but that needs be stricter newer laws in placed that ban private organizations from ownership of exotic animals and protect them from hunting and trapping for sport or profit.
Problems The first problem is that there should be a ban on the private ownerships of exotic animals. The exotic animal trade industry is a very profitable network across the globe but “wherever they come from, the global commercialization of exotic animals is a multi-billion dollar industry that often results in animal cruelty, health risks and serious population declines.” (A.S.P.C.A., paragraph 1). This statement is very true due to the events that happen in the State of Ohio. The exploitation of these animals is a very serious matter