For so long under colonial rule there was no room for upward movement in socio-economic classes. With political parties and new government positions opening, there is the creation of the possibility of upward mobility. Political parties also serve as a medium for the creation of political coalitions to increase power (Class notes 26/11). They are a channel for upward pressure from party rank-and-file, affiliates, interest groups and unions (Class notes 26/11). By the molding of attitudes of party members and the wider public issues of concert political parties contribute to political socialization (Class notes 26/11). In proposing programs that line with the party ideology to garner support they influence public policies. Lastly, political parties ensure political stability by absorbing increasing levels of political participation due to modernization (Class notes 26/11).
In the developed states of western society, political parties provide a common agenda in order to strengthen integration on the national level (Class notes 26/11). In developed states political parties are a way for people to express and define their needs. These parties are