The Hesitant Shopper: The Hesitant shopper is an individual who wants to buy things but knows in reality that they either do not need the item or are unable to afford it. They ponder whether or not the item they will be purchasing will provide a benefit to their lifestyle and needs. These shoppers often ask themselves, “Is it worth it?”, “How often will I use it?”, or “Could I get a better deal elsewhere?”. Hesitant shoppers try their best to ensure that the item that they are purchasing is really necessary. More often than not they prioritize other important things before shopping.
The Looker: The next type of shopper is the person who looks but never ever buys: the looker. This type of shopper may find shopping fun at first, but towards the end of their shopping experience they become tired and hopeless. This can be because of many different things.
The Impulsive Shopper: Impulsive shoppers are the shoppers who will go crazy