The Internet got it's name from AT&T's UNIX operating system, released in the late 1960's. UNIX was the first operating system that would run on different models of computers, and used a common communications protocol called TCP/IP to talk between the different machines.
TCP/IP stands for "Transmission Control Protocol / Internetworking Protocol" and the word "Internet" came from that.
What was the first name of Internet before it was called Internet?
The name of the web platform that was first developed as a research network was called: ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork)
Inventors of the Modern Computer
ARPAnet - The First Internet
By Mary Bellis
"The Internet may fairly be regarded as a never-ending worldwide conversation." - supreme judge statement on considering first amendment rights for Internet users.
On a cold war kind of day, in swinging 1969, work began on the ARPAnet, grandfather to the Internet. Designed as a computer version of the nuclear bomb shelter, ARPAnet protected the flow of information between military installations by creating a network of geographically separated computers that could exchange information via a newly developed protocol (rule for how computers interact) called NCP (Network Control Protocol).
One opposing view to ARPAnet's origins comes from Charles M. Herzfeld, the former director of ARPA. He claimed that ARPAnet was not created as a result of a military need, stating "it came out of our frustration that there were only a limited number of large, powerful research computers in the country and that many research investigators who should have access were geographically separated from them." ARPA stands for the Advanced Research Projects Agency, a branch of the military that developed top secret systems and weapons during the Cold War.
The first data exchange over this new network occurred between computers at UCLA and Stanford Research Institute. On their first