D. Rockefeller who controlled the standard oil , Andrew Carnegie who controlled Carnegie Steel, and J. Pierpont Morgan who was a powerful banker and controlled a great hand full of industries and businesses. None of these men cared if their tactics were fair they only cared to try and control as much businesses as possible and make as much money as possible.There were few laws which regulated business at the time however further down road more laws were created to limit these powerful individuals and the amount of businesses they controlled. The rate the American economy was increasing was astounding it nearly doubled from the end of reconstruction in 1877 to the panic of 1893. The production of new technology and ways of organizing led the way for those powerful individuals to get to where they were which was at the very top. American economy increased and grew and around the time of 1914 our small nation which was seen as playground to the great European empires now surpassed everyone and the United States became the largest industrial nation in the world.
D. Rockefeller who controlled the standard oil , Andrew Carnegie who controlled Carnegie Steel, and J. Pierpont Morgan who was a powerful banker and controlled a great hand full of industries and businesses. None of these men cared if their tactics were fair they only cared to try and control as much businesses as possible and make as much money as possible.There were few laws which regulated business at the time however further down road more laws were created to limit these powerful individuals and the amount of businesses they controlled. The rate the American economy was increasing was astounding it nearly doubled from the end of reconstruction in 1877 to the panic of 1893. The production of new technology and ways of organizing led the way for those powerful individuals to get to where they were which was at the very top. American economy increased and grew and around the time of 1914 our small nation which was seen as playground to the great European empires now surpassed everyone and the United States became the largest industrial nation in the world.