There were six sucrose solutions: 0.0 M (distilled water), 0.2 M, 0.4 M, 0.6 M, 0.8 M, and 1.0 M. The dependent variable was the mass of the cores of apple tissue. Changes in the dependent variable were measured by weighing the mass of each set of apple cores before and after its submerging in sucrose solution. The initial mass was then subtracted from the final mass and divided by the initial mass to calculate the percent change of each set. Changes in the dependent variable were analyzed in the form of percent change of mass rather than change in mass in grams because each set of apple cylinders had a different initial weight, so calculating percent change helped standardize the data. The control of the experiment was the distilled water because it has a molarity of 0.0 M, meaning that no sucrose is added to it. Several variables were held constant. It was attempted to keep the size of each core of apple tissue constant. Other constants include the ruler and scale used to measure the apple cores, as well as the knife used to cut the…