G10 History Internal Assessment:
“What were the consequences of Franco’s victory in the Spanish Civil War?”
Word Count: 1936
Contents page
Section Page A. Plan of investigation 3 B. Summary of evidence 3-4 C. Evaluation of sources 4-5 D. Analysis 5-6-7 E. Conclusion 7 F. Bibliography 8
What were the consequences of Franco’s victory in the Spanish Civil War?
A. Plan of investigation
Seventy-two years have passed since the end of the Spanish Civil War and 36 years since the death of Francisco Franco and the birth of a new and democratic Spain. As far as we know, there are no books specifically written about the consequences of the Spanish Civil War. That is what we will try to do in this written account.
Most specialists agree that foreign historians contributed the most to the investigation of the Spanish Civil War, the Post-War repression and Francoism due to the absence of liberties and the presence of censure in Franco’s Spain, which prevented Spanish historians to work on the subject. Therefore, we have selected a series of reference books by prestigious historians and writers such as Stanley Payne, Anthony Beevor and Hugh Thomas and one prominent Spanish historian, Javier Tussell about the Spanish Civil War and Franco, and found the relevant chapters necessary to fulfill our investigation.
B. Summary of evidence
Political consequences:
* End
Bibliography: Beevor, Anthony. La Guerra civil española. Barcelona: Crítica, 2005. Lee, Stephen J. The European Dictatorships 1918 - 1945. London u.a.: Routledge, 1995. Mérida, María, and Ricardo De La. Cierva. Testigos de Franco : Retablo íntimo de una dictadura. Esplugas de Llobregat, Barcelona: Plaza & Janés, 1977. Paniagua, Javier. España: Siglo XX - 1931-1939. Madrid: Anaya, 2003. Biblioteca básica de historia. Payne, Stanley, and Javier Tusell. La Guerra Civil. Madrid: Temas de hoy, 1996. Payne, Stanley. El primer franquismo, 1939-1959 - Los años de la autarquía. Madrid: Temas de hoy, 1997. Historia de España. Saña, Heleno. El franquismo sin mitos - Conversaciones con Serrano Suñer. Barcelona: Grijalbo, 1982. Serrano, Suñer Ramón. Entre el silencio y la propaganda, La historia como fue: Memorias. Barcelona: Editorial Planeta, 1977. Thomas, Hugh. La Guerra civil española. Madrid: Urbión, 1980. Tusell, Javier. Historia de España en el siglo XX. Vol. III. Madrid: Taurus Bolsillo, 1998. La dictadura de Franco. [ 2 ]. Beevor, Antony, 2005:626 [ 3 ] [ 6 ]. Javier Tussel, 1998:67 [ 7 ] [ 10 ]. Javier Tussel, 1998:63 [ 11 ] [ 12 ]. Beevor, Antony, 2005:633 [ 13 ] [ 14 ]. Tussel, 1998:63 [ 15 ] [ 16 ]. Serrano Suñer, 1977:245 [ 17 ] [ 19 ]. Serrano Suñer , 1977 :243 [ 20 ] [ 21 ]. Beevor, 2005: 612-17 [ 22 ] [ 23 ]. Javier Tussel, 1998:70 [ 24 ] [ 25 ]. Antonio Montero quoted by Payne and Tusell (1996:595) says in “Historia de la persecución religiosa en España” (1936-1939) that 7.000 priests were killed during the Spanish civil war. [ 26 ]. Javier Tussel, 1998:83 [ 27 ] [ 28 ]. Beevor, Antony, 2005:626 [ 29 ]