to punish the Jews. The first concentration camp was the transit camps was a camp for the temporary groups of people the refugees and soldiers who were traveling through the region. In the camps the Jewish people were there for a short time before the Germans took them to the other camps. In the transit camps less than 5,00 survived. In the transit camps the Germans would starve the Jews and if they did feed them it would be a piece of hard bread. They tortured them and made them suffer. In the concentration camps they made the Jews wait for the train to come get them to send them to the concenttrtion camp in Poland.
The second concentration camp was forced labour or work camps .The work camp is where community work is done by young people. The kind of jobs that were at the camp were working in factories, construction projects, farms , and coal mines. The Jews had to work no matter how sick they had to work regardless. The Jews did not hve any benefits in working they were not being rewarded for working because it was mandatory. The Jews had to work all day and they didn’t stop until they were told to stop. The work camps were a place where the Jews had to work from morning to the night. The third camp and the last camp was the extermination camps. The extermination camp is a place where they killed the Jewish people. Inside of the exterminiation camp there were gas chambers, starvation going on, the Jews being mistreated , and there was shooting as well. The police murdered nearly two million seven hundred thousand Jews by the gas chambers and by shooting. The extermination camps as well as all the other camps lasted from nineteen fourtytwo to nineteen fourtyfive.