Employee Issues - robert contreras
Answer # 1.
The goal of a job interview is to determine which applicant will best meet the requirements and needs of the job opening that you have available. You want to ask questions that allow you to accurately and fairly evaluate and compare each applicant’s ability to perform the requirements of the job. This would include asking questions about attendance, work habits, attitude, technical knowledge and job skills. It could also include a hand on performance exam where each applicant actually completes some cleaning tasks. You want to ask questions that will give you insight into the applicant's skills, goals, strengths and weaknesses. Several sample technical questions are listed below.
1. How much dwell time is required for a disinfectant to be effective in killing microorganisms?
2. What is the pH scale and how does it impact the cleaning process?
3. How long should it take to clean a classroom?
4. What is the most efficient way to use a dust mop?
5. How many ounces of detergent should be put in each gallon of cleaning solution?
Perry Shimanoff, President
MC2 Management Consultants
Answer # 2.
Some managers are intuitively excellent judges of character. With just a few questions, they are able to accurately size up a candidate. Other managers prefer to use a list of questions as a guide during the interview process.
Here is a list of 48 questions which are useful for pre-employment screening of full-time cleaning technicians. Since not all will apply to your situation, highlight the ones you deem important. Remember; it is much easier to disqualify a problem or questionable applicant than it is to terminate an employee once they are hired. Here are some tips:
1. The number and type of questions you ask should correspond with the skills required for each position.
2. Put the applicant at ease by