If we did not drop the atomic bombs on Japan, researchers would have found out too late that Japan's defenses was increasing and strengthening gradually. Japan's defenses would have turned formidable and possibly turn impenetrable. The war would have continued with no possibility of ending. Michael Kort, professor of Boston University, stated that, "The bombing was a key to winning and morally justice being served. Without the bombings, the war could have last for another several years… unimaginable death tolls and cities being reduced to rubbles." This explains how and what could have truly happen. While America tried to invade Japan and try to penetrate the defense. It would bring many negative results and would lead to failure in ending the war. The Allies and the Japanese death tolls alike would have multiplied if the atomic bombs had not been released. The droppings of the bomb would be considered the least detrimental option. The bombs should have credit for preventing death tolls of thousands of Americans and millions of Japanese people lives. Robert Maddox, professor of University of Missouri, said "best means to bring about unconditional surrender which is what the U.S. leaders wanted … the least …show more content…
If America did start an invasion on Japan, they would have to scale foreign lands, while the Japanese soldiers fight on land they know well. They can easily crush the invasion, an invasion would never go as planned, men's' lives would be lost without gaining anything. In addition, the citizens in Japan would resist against the Americans. They would arm themselves with bamboo spears and some would carry hand grenades to take down tanks. The bombings minimize death tolls. This shows how the bombings prevent an invasion campaign, which would have not even been successful. It led to demonstrate America's superiority over the world. America was known as the "Global Super-Power." The atomic bombs prevented joint-occupation. The Soviet-Union was impressing by the atomic bombs use. It prevented the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) from demanding joint occupation on Japan. If the bomb were not dropped, the USSR would have created East and West