Being a kid with a learning disability can be stressful and challenging in everyday school. I can understand the benefits of online schooling, because I experience what the students with learning disabilities go through on a daily basis. Online schooling benefits students that want to get done with schooling early, students with with learning disability, and some students that wanna be successful in life more. Students at Mona Shores would benefit more from online schooling than traditional schooling by catching up on work, learning at their own pace, and being able to graduate school early.
Some students at Mona Shores tend to fall behind on assignments. This is why …show more content…
online schooling could benefit some students that do traditional schooling. For example, students who have a learning disability (which means that they could struggle in everyday clas) could end up falling behind in certain subjects that was taught in class. With online schooling, students who fall behind in class could catch up fast and understand the lessons more. They could understand lessons more from online schooling because they would be on task more and a teacher would be able to assist them one on one. The students could have a flexible schedule so they would not fall behind.k,m
Students with a disability already feel like an outsider from everyone else in an classroom. Also they could be a target of bullying by other students. Online schooling offers a pace where they could feel safe at getting education and feel comfortable. Online schooling is very useful to certain students, because teachers go at an extremely fast pace to get through everything in a short amount of time. So going the pace that would fit them, and would be easier, and less stressful than going at a fast pace, gives them time to catch up on material.
Lastly a student could graduate early by doing online schooling.
It could give them a fast track to getting a job faster after high school, and employers would be impressed by how quickly they finished school. They could achieve more and have more opportunities because they would be young if they finished school early. In traditional schooling, a student couldn't get all the credits on time they would like to graduate because of all the breaks. When a student does online schooling, they could get all the credits they need to graduate, so they could get done whenever they want to with school. Although people say online schooling makes a person lazy, and a procrastinator, online school actually makes a person put more effort into schooling and understand the material better than regular schooling would do for some students that struggle with school.
Therefore, students at Mona Shores would benefit more from online schooling than traditional schooling. For some, it could help them be more successful faster way by graduating earlier, going at the pace a person feels comfortable with, and lastly, being able to catch up on assignments whenever the person feels like they are falling behind. Now what would you do to be