When I was a little kid, people usually asked me :”Who do you want to be in the future?” I replied them :”I want to be a scientist ”. Many years later, I grow up and gradually understand that no one can predict his own future and no one can tell exactly what will he be doing next 10 years since life is a long journey which full of unexpected twists and turns. In 10 years, there’s a possibility that I will become a homeless person, first Asian president of The United States or maybe I will be dead then, you just can’t tell.
As college is a time of discovery and exploration, I realize that we definitely do not need to know what we want to be doing 10 years from now. Surprise!
Most of my friends have set out their future plan but my to-do-list is still left in blank. It is because after 18 years living on Earth, I still don’t know which field get my interest and which job will fit me the most.
In lieu of imagining about the fancy world we may have in the future, us student should think about how to learn first. A senior once told me :” Undecided on a major? Just relax!” Colleges usually give freshmen the first year, if not the first two years, to take courses, figure out what they’re good at , take things that they ’ve never had a chance to experienced before and develop necessary skills needed for high swage jobs. By attending University, I could defiantly build my confidence, ability and have a better preparation for not only my carrier but also my future life. After 2 years of college, hopefully, I will be able to answer the question I have been wondered since offspring. I may not know exactly where I want to be in 10 years but I know where I want to be in less than a year from now . And maybe , after being accept to University, I can write on my to-do-list :
- Explore the world
P/s : Hopefully the