If I had the power to change three things in this world they would have to be: I would change who ran our country, I would stop sending our factory jobs to China and Mexico, and I would also put a stop to the unnecessary violence going on around us. To me these are three very important issues that need to be changed; by this I think the world would be a better place.
I think we need a different president; this isn’t a racist statement or anything of that sort. I believe we just need a different president because he has already had four years to make a change, yet he hasn’t made that big of a difference. We need a farmer as president. Farmers know how to plan out and deal with sudden problems. Take for example, President Carter, a peanut farmer, people loved him and most things he accomplished during his term.
Secondly, we need to stop sending all of our jobs to other foreign countries. Think about it, in America we are suffering from job loss and in a great deal of debt. We send most of our factory and industry jobs over to China or Mexico, when we really could use them here. If we took back factory jobs in America it would cut back on unemployment rates, and we would create a more stable economy for us Americans. Also, we would have the reassurance and pride of creating our own products in The United States.
One of the most important changes we need to make is stopping the violence in America. Through-out America’s history we have had numerous bombings, shootings and other horrific, violent events. This is all unnecessary, we are the United States of America ( emphasis on “United”.) And there should be no reason for all of this unnecessary violence toward our fellow Americans. And another way we could end unnecessary violence is to track down all the guns that are “registered” to the owners and make sure that the owners of the guns actually have them. Also to put metal detectors like at airports in