“In this case it is obviously the man who first took his army to the frontier” (233). This is because the Koreans had an isolationist policy so they didn’t want to deal with anyone from the outside world (except for China). So, when the people of General Sherman came to Korea, the Koreans first told them to leave, but they ended up going up the river, which they were told not to go up, and kidnapping a person. So, the Koreans were just by Merlin in dealing with the Americans. Also in the case of the actual conflict, the American naval member told the Koreans that they (the Americans) were going to survey the coast of Korea, and so they did, but they also went up to a river that they weren't suppose to go into. So, in turn, the Koreans started to open fire and that was how the whole conflict began. Although America was the aggressor, it is understandable that America started the conflict against Korea.
When the Americans first came to Korea, they just wanted to find out what happened to the General Sherman and to build relationships with Korea. Also, at first, when the Americans were trying to find out about the General Sherman, the Koreans were reluctant to respond. Also when the Americans were asking about surveying the coast, the Koreans didn't exactly tell the Americans that they couldn't go in the river that weren't suppose to go into. So, in the American's view, the Korean were the aggressors because Merlin sees that “There is only one fairly good reason for fighting -- and that is, if the other man starts it" (232).
Korea had a good reason to counter the force, because the American were going into lands that the Koreans didn’t want them to go into. It doesn’t matter if they knew or not. They went into land where the Americans weren’t supposed to go. So the Koreans took that as an invasion by the Americans so they fought back. As Merlin said anyone “can see which side began to make the threat of force or was the first to arm itself” (234), so using Merlin’s saying, it proves that the Koreans saw the Americans as a threat and attacked them.
All in all, America was not justified in fighting this war. This conflict was done because of trespassing and misinformation. If America communicated better with the Koreans about where they could go, it would not
have lead the naval ships to sail up the river. In turn, it whole conflict would have been averted.