In the article “From War to Welfare” the Los Angeles Times published that soldiers who return from war can either take government dependency or try find a job. Veterans come home from war and have to deal with the change of environment and their change of identity. According to Eric Greitens, founder of the nonprofit Mission Continues, “…the VA, and others, encourage them to view themselves as disabled.” This causes the veterans to see themselves as “charity cases” who need help to live. Since they can receive around $3,000 a …show more content…
The American military needs to reorganize the Veterans Affairs so that they can focus on helping the soldiers who recently returned home. They should use the money they have in their funds to help the veteran get jobs instead of giving it to them and making them feel worthless. This would also help the country because the veterans would be in the workforce. Gade claims that “Veterans should be used as resources not damaged goods.” This suggest that veterans need to be recognized by what they can do and not what might be holding them back. They have to change the way the see disabled veterans which is not as “charity cases,” but as people who can come back from war a letting them live their