Fellow year 12 English literature enthusiasts, good morning and welcome. Before we delve into the beautiful world that is poetry, may I please ask you to close your eyes? Close your eyes, clear your mind and picture a plain white room, free of all opinion and emotion.
Place your most cherished love in this room; whether it is the boy or girl you eternally adore, the best friend who you have shared and bared your soul to or the family member you have the utmost admiration towards. Envision the one smile that they effortlessly flash in your direction, it’s the look that literally places knots in your stomach and brightens the dullest of days.. and now it disappears. They’re walking away from you as you are from them and you slowly grow further and further apart. Before you know he or she does not have any further role in your until the name or memory gets brought up and all that resides in your bones are the emotions of loss pain and regret.
The sentiment, the emotion that was hopefully felt by all in this room is perhaps the feeling George Gordon Byron was reflection upon when he wrote one of the most honest pieces of modern literature, which is typical of the Romantic Era, “When We Two Parted”. Defined as an era which caused great revolt against aristocratic and social reforms, poetry of the Romantic period delved into themes relating to the “aesthetics of life”. German painter Caspar David Friedreich brilliantly simplified an era which great scholars to this day debate its definition, as period where; “the artist’s feeling is law”. Through this multimodal presentation we will gain an understanding of the great Lord George Gordon Byron, his works and he and his poetry are typical of literature of the Romantic Era.
“When we two parted in silence and tears, half-broken hearted to sever for years.
If I should meet thee after long years, how should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.”
An idea, a notion that anguishes with all at one time or