In this hilarious book, Prince Horace, also known as Prince Brat, heir to a royal kingdom, is a complete brat! He was very troublesome. Because the prince is never supposed to be disciplined or spanked in the kingdom, he must have a whipping boy to take his beatings. Therefore, his father keeps Jemmy, an orphaned boy and ex-rat catcher from the streets, who became Prince Brat's whipping boy. He is brought in and whipped in place of the prince every time the prince gets in trouble. Because of this unjust and bad treatment, Jemmy tries to focus on running away from the castle and return to the streets where he was raised. Sometimes, things don't always turn out the way we plan them. Jemmy is about to be trapped again in Prince Brat's own dream of running away. As Prince Brat becomes bored with his royal life, he decided to do something new and exciting. An adventure awaits the two and things are about to get interesting.
One night, Prince Brat arrives at Jemmy's room and told the whipping boy to follow him as he runs away. Jemmy immediately sees this as his chance to escape from the castle, and they left. Prince Brat and Jemmy, however, immediately ran into two highwaymen, Hold-Your-Nose Billy and Cutwater. The bandits