I’m not saying that all girls are like this but there are girls that act innapro or they are immature . This is not okay anyone that thinks they're. I agree because the term girls to me is act respectful and kind not to just men but everyone else as well.Because people are starting to notice girls are starting to act out of character. But men do the same as well. They think that people want girls to act a certain way which in a sense is what we're saying but it is in a nice way. Because if girls are acting bad at any age they are teaching either younger or older girls to do the same. This will be bad because then every girl will think this is the right thing to do. …show more content…
But their is a line with how different if you are purposely trying to act different to get attention that is not okay. I agree you should be able to be who you want to be. I hope so because everyone is different in their own way. Because they think different in a bad way. You shouldn't have to be known for being a certain way all the