Over the years society has developed a fear of the breed of pitbulls. How would you feel if someone came and took your innocent non-violent dog from you home? The only explanation is that it is part of a bad breed and it is mandatory that it is taken to be put down. Sounds like a nightmare doesn’t it? Irresponsible, abusive owners are never to blame for the actions of a pitbull used to fight, bred improperly, and unsocialized with the real life of a dog life. According to Barkpost pitbulls named “American’s Dog”, has took a turn for the worse when dog fighting emerged rapidly all over the world. Pitbulls are a classification of many different breeds classified into one main breed. Breeds enlisted are Staffordshire Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Bullies, American …show more content…
A brief history is that pitbulls are a big part of the past immigrants brought these unique animals with them as part as their family. Dogs were trained to be kind and gentle with humans but protect the family from predators with aggression. If couldn’t comply with being gentle but protective the dog was put down because risks couldn't be taken. The most decorated dog of World War I was a Pit Bull named Sergeant Stubby. In between his 17 battles on the Western Front, the legendary pooch helped comfort wounded soldiers. Barkpost states “There have been a number of pitbulls that we’re famous throughout the 20th century when they still lauded as American Heroes.” Despite all the bad that is talked about the breed they are a big part of history. Helen Keller, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, Laura Ingall Wilder, Fred Astaire, and Humphrey Bogart are known as history pitbull supporters. Although most dog attacks are done by the breed they attack out of instinct as if any breed as the ability to attack but pitbulls are more known to because of the training or abuse the