
Who Is Susan B Anthony An Abolitionist

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Who Is Susan B Anthony An Abolitionist
“Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.” (Susan B Anthony). Susan Brownell Anthony was a social reformer, abolitionist but most of all a women’s right activist who changed the course of history for all women in not only the United States but the entire world, being referred to as one of the strongest feminist in the world.Susan B was born on February 15 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts. Born into a Quaker family, Susan b was highly swayed by their values whereby quakers believed that everyone deserves equal rights and that no man is above any woman neither is any woman above any man. Her family shared a passion for social reform; her brothers, Daniel and Merritt supported the anti-slavery movement and her …show more content…
Rights like property ownership, where women were not allowed to own any property in the United states. Married women didn't have any separate legal existence from her husband. When married the husband and the wife were considered one so therefore whatever income the woman earned belonged to the husband. Without the husband’s approval, the wife could not use their assets. Susan B didn’t see this as fit for women.In regard to the issue she said “No man is good enough to govern a woman without her consent.” Her point being that woman are as capable as men are of handling income and assets. With the passing of the 19th amendment, women being allowed to vote greatly influenced the change in inheritance of property and dependency on men. One event led to another; the drastic change of ownership and inheritance of property increased women’s financial status and as they got to keep what they earned this led to the narrowing of the wage gap. Through striving for equal rights, Susan B uplifted women from a stage of being property themselves to owning property with no strings attached and emphasised that no man should govern a woman without her accord …show more content…
The headmaster only taught maths to boys. Susan B couldn’t stand that. “A republican government should be based on free and equal education among the people.”said Susan B.Susan B believed that all boys and girls, men and women, should be given access to education without limits. In her work she advocated for co-education, for boys and girls as well as men and women.Women became respected; they were able to get an education and earned better jobs. With the wave of feminism and equal rights, more and more women attended college. Education taught women the responsibilities of a citizen and more on the advantages of the vote. Due time women got PhDs and were able to practise medicine, law, sciences and more. Before all the progress, most women were housewives and did mostly chores, cooking took most of their time. Other women worked as servant or enslaved and often did the same work as men, working in the fields. Widows, since most of them had no property, used to help married women with the chores in their homes. In the 1820s, the beginning of the industrialization, women were hired by factories because they were payed lower wages compared to that of men. Women were hired for tasks such as sewing where by the sewing machine had not yet been introduced therefore it was done by hand. All these activities done by women made society regard the feminine gender as

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