Susan Carpenter, single mother of 2 boys; 11 year old Henry and younger brother Peter. Henry was the smartest kid alive, he filed his mothers bill, took care of any paperwork and was always prepared for any problem, he knew the answer to everything. Susan did no adult like work or any sort other than being a worker in a diner. Henry had a crush on Christina . He found himself not able to sleep one night so he looked out the his window. Right across he could see Christina's room. At that time the lights started to flicker and Glenn came upstairs into her room. Henry witnessed Glenn abusing Christina. He told the principal and even called Child Protective Services but no one did a thing. He wrote it all down in his red journal. Henry decided to take action into his own hands. Henry later on dies because of a failed surgery and the brain tumor that caused his seizure. Before he died he told peter to give his mother the red journal. In that journal Henry devised a plan to kill Glenn. He thought of every possible problem that were to happen and the solutions. His plan was perfect. His mother made it her job to make sure Henry's wish was complete and the plan was in full …show more content…
Henry, Susan, the principal and the cops. Henry was determined from the beginning to help Christina in every way possible. He wrote down all the solutions and even called CPS for help. When no one helped her, he was there plotting a plan and making sure it went right. Susan carried out the plan, but in the end backed out and was trying everything to stop Glenn from his doings. After Glenn shot himself, Susan adopted Christina. Without the principal and police nothing would've helped Christina. When the principal noticed Christina crying during her performance she called the cops. If she hadn't called the cops Christina would have still be abused but Glenn because he wouldn't of killed himself. Thanks to the police that scared of Glenn by opening a case , Christina now has a good life. It is because of all those people that Christina is now safe. They have good hearts and would never hurt anyone. Susan knew Glenn was abusing her but she didn't shoot him, She couldn't do that. Susan was determined and Henry was the one who tried out every possible thing to