in the soaking rain. Another reason why the Narrator should be at fault, is because he left behind a kid who has many issues and health problems. By health problems I mean having a very weak heart, and issues as in issues to walk or even worse to run. Doodle even, “crawled backwards” when he was a baby. In addition, the narrator was the last person with Doodle before he died, but he wasn’t there when he died, because he was the one who left Doodle to die. In fact, the narrator even felt a,”streak of cruelty” when he started running from Doodle, he soon ,“could hear his voice no more”. So the Narrator felt blame himself as he ran far from Doodle. In conclusion, the narrator left Doodle behind and came back because of feeling cruel, but only to see his dead brother Doodle. So it should be the narrator’s fault of leaving a six year old alone in the rain.
in the soaking rain. Another reason why the Narrator should be at fault, is because he left behind a kid who has many issues and health problems. By health problems I mean having a very weak heart, and issues as in issues to walk or even worse to run. Doodle even, “crawled backwards” when he was a baby. In addition, the narrator was the last person with Doodle before he died, but he wasn’t there when he died, because he was the one who left Doodle to die. In fact, the narrator even felt a,”streak of cruelty” when he started running from Doodle, he soon ,“could hear his voice no more”. So the Narrator felt blame himself as he ran far from Doodle. In conclusion, the narrator left Doodle behind and came back because of feeling cruel, but only to see his dead brother Doodle. So it should be the narrator’s fault of leaving a six year old alone in the rain.