Since finding the mummy, we have learned what he ate before he died and where his ancestors came from by investigating and comparing his physique and environment to the ones found commonly at that time. We even found out how Ötzi died after “an X-ray of the mummy pointed to foul play in the form of a flint arrowhead embedded in his back, just under his shoulder” (“Who Killed the Iceman? Clues Emerge in a Very Cold Case,” Nordland), which was a mystery for over a decade and would never have happened if we didn’t take the time to investigate the scene …show more content…
When it comes to science, we have to test these ideas out and see if they are trusted by other sources. If we see an article with false information, such as the benefits of consuming sperm, we shouldn’t accept it until it has been proven correct. This kind of investigation is necessary to discover the truth, like the untold history of a mummy. Moreover, the effort of testing and reviewing scientific concepts should be recognized even if the conclusion sounds strange or untrustworthy.
After adding a new example, I was focused on decreasing the size of my essay, erasing filler words and sentences. I also did this by simplifying and replacing sentences and phrases. The biggest change in my essay is the conclusion, which I had to completely rewrite so it summarized the essay better without making it overly complicated and