Back in Egypt’s day, there was a king named Tutankhamen. He became king at the age of 10 and die at 19. Why did Tut died early and what happened to him that made him die? I think King Tut was murdered. King Tut had all kinds of bad injuries on his body when he died. He had a tear on his cheek, missing rib cage, bone fragment in his head, deflect of hemorrhage, and broken bone leg. If King Tut had all those injuries, somebody must have killed him.…
At the beginning of the story my opinion of Iokaste is that she is a loyal and good wife. I can see why Iokaste committed suicide and I can understand how devastating the news of her husband being her son was. I can only imagine the emotions that Iokaste was going through and because of this I think that she did what she thought was best for herself. In some ways think she did her children a favor by committing suicide because now her children won’t have to grow up hearing people talk badly about their mother but on the other hand she left them to fend for themselves, which I think no mother should do to her children.…
One reason he died of cooping is on October 3rd, 1849, Poe went to Baltimore, and was found next to a polling place. Poe died 4 days later. In the article, “Death by Voter Fraud?” By Jennifer Marsico, it is suggested that Poe was a victim of cooping. When he was laying on the ground, “Poe was found wearing clothes that were not his own; Poe had been a fastidious dresser, but he was instead wearing inexpensive, ill-fitting and dirty clothes.” (1) Cooping is…
On October 3, 1849, Edgar was found in the bathroom at the Gunnell’s Hall, a public house that was being used as a polling place for an election. The magazine editor, Joseph Snodgrass, sent Poe to the Washington College Hospital, where he spent his last days in and out of consciousness, far away from home, and surrounded by nothing but strangers. They were never able to explain what happened to him to cause any of this. On October 7, 1849, only at the age of…
Edgar Allan Poe was the voice of a culture when it came to literature. His works were widely read and loved by many of the people in his time. Poe used themes that people were afraid of, he preyed on people’s most socially rooted fears and made people see them presented in front of them. In Critical Theory Today, Lois Tyson says, “our subjectivity, or selfhood is shaped by and shapes the culture into we were born” (284). In the same way, you can say that Edgar Allan Poe’s writing was shaped by the world he was born into. He was born into a world that was the blossoming of science. He was born into a world in the midst of a great change from the ideals of religion and art governing society morphing into a society governed by scientific fact and reason. And, mostly, he was born into a world that feared death. One of the most present fears in society at the time was a fear of premature…
Edgar Allan Poe endured awful life experiences that caused him to write horror stories and poems. Poe’s dad abandoned him and his mother when Poe was young. His mother died a year later, which put Poe into the hands of two foster parents. Sadly, his foster mom also died (Doc. A & B). Edgar Allan Poe lived in poverty all of his life (Doc. A & B). He made bad decisions, like spending the last of his savings on a piano for his wife, and he drank heavily after her death (Doc. A & B). He never let anything good happen to himself. The evidence supports that Poe had an awful life that inspired him to write about fear due to the lack of guidance in his lifetime.…
According to the researcher and writer of “Poe’s Death is Rewritten as Case of Rabies, Not Telltale Alcohol” Dr. R Michael Benitez believes it was because of rabies. Dr. Benitez states in his article that Poe was indeed hallucinating, and shouting at imaginary companions (187-188). Also, when woken up one day Poe refused to drink alcohol and could only drink water with great difficulty (187). Dr. Benitez also states that is a common case of rabies because “Rabies victims frequently exhibit hydrophobia or a fear for water because it is painful to swallow” (187). Poe didn’t know where he was, and couldn’t remember anything as well. Dr. Benitez also states when Poe came to him he was not drunk, and there was no evidence of him being bitten. Statistics show that most human rabies victims do not remember being bitten, and bites takes about a year to appear…
In closing, it is clear that Poe’s death was most likely caused by rabies. With all of the witness accounts, and information provided from experts, there is no way that Poe’s death could have been from alcoholism. Furthermore, Poe had all the symptoms of rabies. Finally, the weather was bad, which would have made him more susceptible to infections like rabies. Poe was mysterious and interesting which is ironic because he had a mysterious and interesting…
According to the author that “The rider was so sensitive to alcohol that a glass of wine would make him violently ill for days” (Silverman 188). This quote is significant because Poe was always ill. Another quote is “evidence of Poe’s chronic binges is strewn through his letters, in periodic admissions of recoveries” (Silverman 189) … Poe was found dead outside a bar. Therefore, I think he had to be drunk. Silverman says that “None of the signs of rabies confirm that he was not drunk” (Silverman 189). The alcohol could have just been catching up to his body. Therefore, is the reason I think Poe died of…
The cause of Poe’s death remains a mystery to be solved. Many have analyzed his life…
Edgar Allan Poe was one of America’s most celebrated poet and story teller. His life started early with misfortune. Both of his parents were already dead, when Edgar was 3 years old. His father died of tuberculosis and his mother died of tuberculosis and pneumonia. He was adopted and attended school until he was 17 years old. He started the abuse of alcohol with 17 and he started gambling. As his adopting father figured out, he stopped all financial supports of his adopted son. Edgar had to leave the University and he enlisted in the U.S. military, and later obtained a military school. Edgar Allan Poe was expelled from the military school after one year attending. During…
During his time, Poe was known for his heavy drinking. In Silverman’s writing he states, “Dr. Sondgrass attributed his death to a lethal amount of alcohol (Silverman 186). This doctors opinion shoes that even upon his death, Poe was still drinking heavily. According to Benedetto, “Evidence of Poe’s chronic binges is strewn through his letters, in periodic admissions of ‘recovers’ and promises to his wife, Virginia, and her mother to reform” (Benedetto 189). The quote from Benedetto’s letter gives evidence of Poe’s alcohol abuse as seen in his letters to his…
Edger Allen Poe was an amazing author but his home life was far from perfect life. There is much controversy surrounding Poe’s unexpected death. Some believed that Poe had died of alcoholism while others believed that he had died of rabies/encephalitis. However, it is plausible that Poe had died of rabies/encephalitis because of the symptoms and the witness accounts on the night that Poe died.…
Poe had nearly stopped drinking. “The writer was so sensitive to alcohol that a glass of wine would make him violently ill for days” (Benitez). If Poe would have gotten ill by drinking very little alcohol, then it’s highly unlikely he died of alcoholism. “Poe had all the features of encephalitic rabies” (Wilde). Poe had all the symptoms of rabies, and that’s probably why he died. “A diagnosis is not always easy and strait…
Or it could be that after getting extremely drunk with some friends Poe was beaten and robbed by ruffians, and left to die.…