Philopator (later to be his lover). (ABC-CLIO 1) What man, with these accomplishments should be killed for wanting a better Rome? No man I say. Julius Caesar was killed far too soon, if indeed he had turned into a tyrant then the conspirators should have stuck a knife in his ribs and been done with it, but he wasn’t even given a chance to rule.
Julius Caesar could have led Rome to a higher plane of greatness if only he had been allowed to continue on as he was. The conspirators’ main goal was to “save Rome by killing tyranny and keeping Rome a democracy”. (Encyclopædia Britannica 1) All that came of their actions was a bloody civil war and the creation of the first Roman Emperor, and the actions of this first Emperor (Octavius Caesar a.k.a. Caesar Augustus) were more ambitious and power hungry than any Julius Caesar could have ever possibly committed. (Caesar Augustus was responsible for the death of Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator and the establishment of absolute Empirical rule in
Rome.) In necessity Julius Caesar was murdered for no more apparent reason than he was “becoming to powerful for his own good.” The actions of the murders began the collapse of the Roman Republic and ultimately ended with the creation of the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar was an honorable man in character and in desire, a burning desire for a better Rome. Though this would never come to pass during his legacy, it would be achieved by his successor Caesar Augustus. Under his reign the Roman world grew strong and mind numbingly rich, Julius’s goal would was reached as if he were reaching from the grave.