
Who's To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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Who's To Blame In Romeo And Juliet
Who’s to Blame?
“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo” (Act 5, Scene 3). In the play Romeo and Juliet, many tragedies took place and I blame 3 people for it. Romeo, Juliet, and Friar Laurence is responsible for the deaths that took place.
Juliet was very numb and exaggerated a lot in times where it would of been best if she thought a little before she did things. Juliet had a chance to marry Paris who would be able to take care of her and her father accepted him. She was imbecile to think that things would've worked out with a man on the opposite side of the feud. Juliet often overreacted in certain parts of the play. She threatened to kill herself if the friar did not help her not be married to Paris. Juliet and Romeo had a lot in common when it came to making decisions, they were both impetuous.
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Priest are people who you can trust and ask for help, they can help you see what's the right decisions and what's not. Friar Laurence was just the opposite, he got himself to involved in Juliet's issues, to the point where Juliet had no other choice but think it's okay to kill herself. Also when situations got serious he should’ve went to the parents instead of enabling Romeo and Juliet to do bad things. Friar laurence told Juliet to lie to her father and tell him she will marry Paris towards the end of the play, that's not very holy like! Friar Laurence could've done something about this mess, but he made it way worse than it should've been. Friar Laurence is responsible for Romeo and Juliet's

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