Australian Hardware recognises that the safety of the working environment and the health of their people are integral to delivering their vision and strategic directions.
A review of Australia Hardware workplace health and safety (WHS) processes was conducted in December 2014 to determine the company’s level of health and safety performance. The assessment was based on the information provided by the company through documentation and information available on the intranet. The focus of this report is the Wollongong warehouse located in NSW and subject to the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
Australian Hardware has expanded nationally to include 138 warehouse stores and around a 1000 workers. The current WHS processes were based on NSW legislation and were last updated in 2012. The result of this national expansion is the lack of a consistent approach to WHS compliance.
Executive summary
It is apparent from the policies implemented that the company does take seriously its legal and ethical obligations to provide a safe workplace. However, the lack of procedures, safety standards and registers by Australian Hardware may be a contributor to the increase in the workplace injuries. This is evidenced through a number of WHS performance indicators. The Lost Time to Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) is one of the key measures of past performance and is currently 13.9 (Australian Hardware, 2013), worse than the industry benchmark.
Findings from this review identified that a number of elements of Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) have been developed, implemented and reviewed at Australia Hardware, and that senior managers are committed to workplace health and safety and are aware of their legal, ethical obligations and responsibilities.
However, the lack of a comprehensive WHSMS is inhibiting the company from meeting their targets around legal compliance, safest workplace conditions for workers, demonstrating commitment to WHS and enabling