Bees do a lot for the ecosystem, the main thing that they do is pollinate. “Pollination is essentially plant reproduction. Without help from animal pollinators, our everyday food supply would look much different– at least one third of our staples we’ve come to rely on would no longer be available”(Tucker). Bees pollinate by going to flowers and plants to get something out of them for themselves which could be nectar, pollen or both. During this, pollen lands on their body, after which it may accidentally land on either the same flower or another flower.“By keeping flowers pollinated, bees perpetuate floral growth and provide attractive habitats for other animals such as insects and birds’’(Tucker). Pollination is also how flowers and …show more content…
plants continue to grow or regrow once they die.This also helps flowers to continue to provide oxygen for us and plants to grow fruits and vegetables for us to eat.These are natural resources that we can’t live without thanks to bees. if we get rid of bees than we ultimately get rid of our natural source oxygen.
Bees not only pollinate flowers and plants but crops that we grow for food resources as well. Bees are also responsible for one out of three foods that we eat that come from crops. “Honey is a food product created by bees and is not to be forgotten. Made by bees regurgitating nectar and passing it back and forth in their mouths to one another before depositing and sealing it in a honeycomb, its intended use is for the bees’ winter food stores. Humans are quite fond of this amber liquid as well – the 2013 honey crop was valued at $317.1 million’’(Tucker). Most crops grown require pollination by bees. Bees pollinate crops the same way they pollinate flowers and plants. These crops grow fruits, vegetables, fibers, and seasonings that we use and eat every day such as grapes, strawberries, blackberries, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, nuts, seeds, cotton for clothes, hay that helps feed livestock on farms that we eat for meat, pepper, garlic and sugar that we use for foods and drinks. Bees provide us with a natural source of healthy food that helps us survive.
However, when it comes to pollination, most people think that bees only pollinate flowers. The reasons why people only think this way is due to lack of education, awareness, caring or all of the above about our ecosystem. Mostly people just don’t care or are unaware of what bees do and how they provide for us which is pollinating the crops that grow our food along with helping plants regrow to provide us with oxygen to breathe from. Without bees we would run out of two thirds of our natural resources that we need to physically survive in a matter of a few short years. “Bees are easily amongst the most important insects to humans on Earth. These humble, buzzing bugs deserve a huge thanks – for helping provide us with our favorite fruits and vegetables, their delicious honey, and beautiful, flowery gardens”(Tucker).
Recently bees are dying off, nearly becoming an endangered species. One of the reasons why is because of pesticide. Pesticide is a toxic substance for killing all insects ,primarily mosquitoes, that are harmful to plants or livestock. However since people use pesticide to kill mosquitoes, people don’t realizes that it kills all insects, primarily bees."The evidence against neonicotinoids now exists in key bee brain cells involved in learning and memory, in whole bees, entire colonies and now at the level of whole populations of wild bees"(Thomson). Pesticide has also ruined many beehives, primarily the honeybees, that make honey for us and has been killing bees and destroying their hives for nearly two decades. Once the honey bees are extinct there is no more honey.
Human expansion and pollution have also caused the bee population and hives to decrease as well. Human expansion has destroyed many bee habitats and bees live anywhere that has flowers, crops and plants to pollinate and that's usually where the expansion occurs. Plus the “The expansion of cities causes the fragmentation of large areas of natural habitat through the construction of roads, houses and industry. In many cases all that remains are small remnant patches of the original habitat contained within the confines of the city. Biodiversity is greatly reduced when large areas of natural habitat are fragmented”(Hardman). Pollution from humans that affect bees usually consists of toxins such as pesticide, mothballs and other substances used to kill bees and other insects. Flowers also have their own pollution that affects bees called air pollution and has played a factor in bee pollination and affecting their source of food, this is due to ozone in flowers that they give off that can change a floral scent and make it harder for bees to find their food in flowers .
The excuse for all this is that the human population is growing which has caused a high demand for more expansion of homes and building. We have also also used toxins against bees and other insects in order to kill them because we think it will keep the outside of our homes and buildings “clean.’’ People don’t realize that this is only causing more harm than good for use and bees. Also people have not been aware or simply just don't care of the fact that bees are already being affected by air pollution created by flowers and that now we have added on to more problems facing the bees right now. “Bees are essential for life as we know it, but we're wiping them out”(Mcdonnell).
The aftereffect, if bees go extinct, is that the ecosystem will be out of balance. Once bees go extinct flowers, plants and crops will largely decrease and we will have a short supply of natural oxygen that we of course need in order to breathe. The forests and wilderness will die off and animals, that live in forest and wilderness, will have their natural habitats destroyed. “Many medicines are plant-based, so if bees become extinct we would lose our source of some pharmaceuticals. Morphine -- the basis of most pain-killers -- is extracted from opium poppies. Opium poppies can self-pollinate, but studies have shown there's a better yield from cross-pollinated cultivars. Many other plants used in pharmaceuticals also require pollination by insects”(Writer). Also livestock, that we eat for meat, and other animals that eat only plants and crops will have no more plants and crops to eat and will starve to death. Animals that are carnivores, meat eating animals, that eat plant eating animals will also starve to death once the plant eating animals are all gone. The bottom line is that we will eventually run out of meat supplies and cause more wild animals to go extinct.
The most important thing is that people need to understand the aftereffect that will happen if bees go extinct is of course all living beings, including human beings, over the course of a few short years will become extinct.
Once we run out of food and oxygen that we get from plant,crops and livestock that we depend on, humans will slowly starve to death or once all plants and flowers begin to die rapidly we will run out of natural oxygen to breathe from. We can’t replace this with artificial food or oxygen, in fact we won’t have enough time produce enough of it and give it try. There are no substitutions for clean oxygen or food.Once these natural resources that we need to survive are gone, we will be gone too.“If all the bees in the world die, humans will not survive”(Haltiwanger). We can not live without
Most people think that bees are not the only insects that pollinate plants, flowers, and crops, that is true but bees are the main ones that help pollinate these living sources of food and oxygen. “For some people, bees are simply an annoyance. They buzz around, crawl inside soda cans, chase people down the street and sometimes even sting. If you’re unlucky enough to be allergic, bees can literally be a lethal threat’’(Haltiwanger). People still don’t understand how important bees are.Bees have always been important. They help the circle of life remain a circle but once that circle is broken we can never fix it.
Since bees are so important, the next plan of action is to protect bees. we should protect bees by getting rid of pesticide or change the chemicals in it that kills bees. Pesticide may be beneficial for people with bug problems, however it is killing our bee population and that is more important. Also cutting back on human expansion, we don’t need to build on every empty spot of grassland we need to leave room for plants and flowers to grow so that the bees can come and pollinate. We need to preserving life instead of satisfying our own needs and wants on how our environment should be. We need to start protecting bees before they go extinct. I and other individuals can repeat the same thing over and over again about how bees are important but it's ultimately up to everyone else to make the change to protect bees. If they don’t want to protect them or just not give a damn then they will never appreciate bees until their gone.