
Why Are Child Soldiers Wrong

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Why Are Child Soldiers Wrong
Child soldiers are kids under age 18 who are usually forced to enlist for an armed group. Child soldiers don’t deserve the trauma they are forced to endure, and therefore should be granted amnesty after successful rehabilitation. Due to the fact that these children are so young, they don’t fully comprehend their actions which could cause them to be easily manipulated. Commanders and other people of higher rank could force a child soldier to commit many crimes against humanity and the child has no control over what they may do. Prosecution of the kids won’t help in the recovery process of the child and society. Amnesty along with proper rehab is the best option to heal a former child soldier. At this age, children are still developing and …show more content…
Usually the recruiting process of child soldiers occurs like this: “Often they are abducted at school, on the streets or at home...Such children are robbed of their childhood and exposed to terrible dangers and to psychological and physical suffering. They are placed in combat situations, used as spies, messengers, porters, servants or to lay or clear landmines.” (Amnesty International) As well, these soldiers are given the option to participate or die, which isn’t a real choice. For being forced to partake in criminal warfare, children should not be punished because it is not their fault that they commit these awful crimes. In most situations no prevention can be done for a child to be returned once they are abducted or kidnapped by a violent …show more content…
In no way will it help with the recovery process of a young child soldiers so instead, an extensive rehabilitation and therapy program will aid in healing of a patient. “It is now more widely accepted that former child combatants, given the proper help and support from these special aid workers and others, can be reintegrated successfully into society.” (Vision) Gradual introduction into normal life will help these children learn how to live and deal with their actions. If child soldiers are put in United States prisons, there is many negative effects it could have on society and the person. To begin, it would use necessary space in our jails and prisons, when instead we could detain more hostile criminals who belong there.. Also, reinforcing and witnessing violence may hurt the soldier even more since violence is displayed often at many prisons. Child soldiers need help and by punishing them, this could aggravate the problem even more. On the other hand, we could benefit from granting amnesty will therapy for

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