In the early 1900's monopolies were common within the United States.
Monopolies controlled the markets and were very tyrannical in their rule. But, with growing frustration of their tyranny began the progressive era. In this era of our history labor unions embarked on becoming a force in which middle class citizens had a fighting chance against tyranny. Labor Unions fought for Better work conditions like, higher pay, equal pay, child labor laws, equal rights, safer working conditions, and countless other issues. Labor Unions brought justice to the workplace. They created the middle class, and were the centerpiece of the greatest movement of the century. A movement that made America what it is today, an opportunity to fulfill your dreams in a free environment. The opportunities that labor unions have made possible for all citizens is incredible. Where would America be without Labor Unions? The labor unions are so much more than just an influence in the workplace, they are a power for freedom and opportunities that have made America what it is
In today's society the struggle still remains in manufacturing a perfect workplace for everyone. One struggle we face is paid family leave for pregnant women. It is hard to believe that in a highly developed country like the United States that we are one of only a few countries without paid family leave. It is heartbreaking to think we cannot arrange pay for someone that cannot safely work, when they need money to pay for bills. Another issue we need to fix is the wage gap between men and women. There's no excuse for this wage gap especially with more women being highly educated than men. Women deserve to be paid equally to their abilities, no matter what.
For the past century and for years to come labor unions will be at the center of fixing societies issues. Whether it's building child labor laws, or paving the path to paid family leave, labor unions will surround the till its fixed. This is is why labor unions are so important, and how they've contributed so unselfishly to society.