Puppy mills should be banned because of horrible living conditions. According to ‘lcanimal.org’ “Usually these animals stay outside year round in the freezing and hot weather”. Dogs in puppy mills sometimes get´s hypothermia and hyperthermia. Which means they usually suffer and die from extreme heat and cold summers and winters. These dog’s get little or no veterinary care and get dangerous infections. Dogs in puppy mills have a higher chance to get a extreme disease when there surrounded by many dogs. Therefore, puppy mills have horrible living conditions and …show more content…
should be banned.
Puppy mills should be banned because of little appetite for dogs.
Puppies and dogs in puppy mills get little or no adequate food. Dogs in puppy mills usually starve for long periods of time and sometimes die from starvation. According to ‘lcanimal.org’ ” When female dogs can’t breed anymore they usually get killed and their puppies sometimes doesn't know how to eat and they starve to death”. Puppies learn mostly everything from their mother like how to eat but if they don't have someone to show them the way they will die. Dogs and puppies in puppy mills have little appetite and family.
Puppy mills provides the world with cute puppies. We all know the world wants there cute puppies but the conditions the puppies are in aren’t cute. The poor living conditions the weather conditions their in is bad. Their health and hygiene might look perfect in the stores but that's a lie world a lie. Puppy mills should be banned. Dogs in puppy mills have horrible living conditions and little appetite. I think what you all are thinking for the puppies sake puppy mills should be banned for