They still just use the money for other things such as buying puppies to insert into the puppy mill or new vehicles for transporting puppies, when these puppies could be happier even with minimum health care. These businesses report their own income which makes it easier for them to evade making many payments while working in a “multimillion dollar business” (Hesse). This inexcusable decision to not help the puppies become healthier leads to them being put back into the mill to be resold. Puppy mills may be positive by being one thing that provides someone with enough money to feed their family. These mills may give a homeless person a way to earn money and find a safer place to live. By having puppy mills there is more tax money being collected, which results in more improvements in the county on roads and other projects. The “Puppy Mill Pet Shop Life Cycle” shows how puppies enter the puppy mill cycle. This cycle usually begins with an owner wanting the puppy, becoming frustrated with the puppy’s health and vet bills, leading to the shelters becoming crowded with abandoned puppies, the mothers and pups are living in unsanitary cages. The puppies are then packed into crates and sold, these crates transport the puppies to their destination. After reaching the destination the puppies are put in pet shops to be resold, which restarts the puppy mill cycle.
They still just use the money for other things such as buying puppies to insert into the puppy mill or new vehicles for transporting puppies, when these puppies could be happier even with minimum health care. These businesses report their own income which makes it easier for them to evade making many payments while working in a “multimillion dollar business” (Hesse). This inexcusable decision to not help the puppies become healthier leads to them being put back into the mill to be resold. Puppy mills may be positive by being one thing that provides someone with enough money to feed their family. These mills may give a homeless person a way to earn money and find a safer place to live. By having puppy mills there is more tax money being collected, which results in more improvements in the county on roads and other projects. The “Puppy Mill Pet Shop Life Cycle” shows how puppies enter the puppy mill cycle. This cycle usually begins with an owner wanting the puppy, becoming frustrated with the puppy’s health and vet bills, leading to the shelters becoming crowded with abandoned puppies, the mothers and pups are living in unsanitary cages. The puppies are then packed into crates and sold, these crates transport the puppies to their destination. After reaching the destination the puppies are put in pet shops to be resold, which restarts the puppy mill cycle.