1. http://compfight.com/
Compfight is a search engine for stock images. Think of it as an alternative to Google Images, but while the images on Google Images are often copyrighted, …show more content…
Every image looks like it belongs in an art gallery instead of on a website. The website also has an editing function, but you need an account to use it.
3. http://littlevisuals.co/
Every week, a new .zip folder is uploaded to the Little Visuals website, and each folder contains seven free stock images, or one for each day of the week. You can also sign up for their mailing list so that the folders are emailed straight to your mailbox every week.
4. http://join.deathtothestockphoto.com/
Death to the Stock Photo is a mailing list, like Little Visuals. It's better than Little Visuals in that it offers its images in greater variety and greater quantity, meaning you'll find funny stock images in addition to serious ones. However, Death to the Stock Photo actually requires that you sign up for their mailing list, as opposed to Little Visuals, which merely presents that as an option.
5. http://picjumbo.com/
Picjumbo is exactly what you'd expect from a stock image database, and nothing more. It is a website full of stock images, all of which are free.