When it comes to bullying many individuals …show more content…
In other words, parents are not always with their children so parents don’t know exactly what their children are doing. It is understandable that due to obstacles like work or school can make parents become less aware of their children’s behavior and are less involved in there every day life. Yet every parent should take responsibly and be aware of what their children do. Nevertheless, parents should teach their children right from wrong and the meaning of respect. They should take action by explaining and trying to make their children understand that bullying is wrong and should not be done. Parents should constantly teach and remind their children, “about the importance of treating others the way they would want to be treated” (Wendy). Basically parents should teach their children that if they promote good behavior towards people those individuals while promote appropriate behavior back. If a parent does not teach a child proper treatment towards others, it may lead towards a mentally that a bullies’ behavior is the proper way to treat individuals. Then in this case the parent would be held accountable for not being a responsible parent and teaching their children about …show more content…
If parents have children, parents should have the responsibly to prove a peaceful and safe environment for a child. Of course at home many children learn by observing their role models which are there parents and they also learn by viewing their surroundings. So if a child has an inappropriate environment it can create tremendous harm or trauma to a child. For instance, if a child on a daily basics views consist domestic violence within his parents or within his family he or she will develop a trauma. Whenever children are exposed with negative behavior at home “children develop in a context of negative relationships and carry them forward, creating situations in which empathy for others is not felt” (Waters 8). In other words, children who are expose to negative behavior well adapt to that behavior being expose to them and think it’s normal. As a formal bully who grew up thinking violence is how you solve all your problems I would always pick on other individuals. Due to my negative environment as a child I developed a sense that bullying was a way to express and distress my domestic problems at home. In fact, growing up in a negative environment with “punitive parenting, hostility, lack of emotional warmth”, and these characteristics linked towards my aggressive behavior towards others. (Cross, Barnes 296). My Parents were the one to blame for my negative behavior however as well as other parents should be