This theme of friendship that Forster presents is interesting. Because as he describes India to be a highly spiritual place, the bound force of the universe seems to not allow the races to comply with each other. It seems that the ideology of the British and Indians do not cross and as the British try to change the ways in India a lot of economic injustice occurs. Mrs.Moore and Adela, foreign to India, were devastated at their arrival by the marxism and comedy of manners in India. They were shocked with the behavior of the British towards the Indians, the level of arrogance from the British shocked them. They quickly felt responsible and wanted to make immends with the Indians. As far as Mrs. Moore and Adela reached this barrier of friendship they wanted with the Indians the universe kept trying to pull them back, evil strikes from within the caves Adela enters and breaks the barrier
This theme of friendship that Forster presents is interesting. Because as he describes India to be a highly spiritual place, the bound force of the universe seems to not allow the races to comply with each other. It seems that the ideology of the British and Indians do not cross and as the British try to change the ways in India a lot of economic injustice occurs. Mrs.Moore and Adela, foreign to India, were devastated at their arrival by the marxism and comedy of manners in India. They were shocked with the behavior of the British towards the Indians, the level of arrogance from the British shocked them. They quickly felt responsible and wanted to make immends with the Indians. As far as Mrs. Moore and Adela reached this barrier of friendship they wanted with the Indians the universe kept trying to pull them back, evil strikes from within the caves Adela enters and breaks the barrier