Amy Chua a Yale professor who specializes in topics such as ethnic conflict and globalization, believes that the American parenting style is weak and cuddling. This article is from her essay titled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, explains her opinions in more detail. “In one study of fifty western American mothers and forty-eight Chinese immigrant mothers, almost 70% of the western mothers said either that stressing academic success is not good for children or that parents need to foster the idea that learning is fun. Roughly 0% of all Chinese mothers felt the same way.” According to the author the Chinese child is not free to make any decisions in their adolescent life, where American mothers want their children to make good decisions on their own. What makes a child excel? Amy Chua, in her work “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”, writes to inform her readers that Chinese parents raise successful children because they are stricter than typical Western parents. She states that Asian parents hold higher standards, that Asian parents are more direct and even caustic in their reprimanding of their offspring, and that the Chinese believe children owe their parents everything is the cause of these differences. However, Chua greatly oversimplifies the issue of parenting, stereotyping both the Chinese and Western cultures, and she does not address the negative consequences of the Chinese parenting perspective.
Chua begins her argument with a list of what her children can and cannot do, as proof as to why they are successful. She sets up a Western v/s Chinese dichotomy, comparing Western parenting strategies to Chinese parenting strategies. While Chua admits that she has seen parents from other cultures follow similar protocols, she then precedes w dichotomy. Chua also provides examples of parental phrasing that is acceptable in Chinese culture, but is viewed as abusive in Western culture. She believes that Western parents are