Why College Is Worth the Money?
Why College is Worth the Money Right now in our society a college education is no longer an option or privilege, but rather a necessity. We are practically raised and conditioned to believe that one needs higher education in order to succeed in life. There is a saying that says "if you think education is expensive, try ignorance." Nowadays, going to college is common in United States. According to the statistic, there are more than 70 percents of the student are going to college after high school graduation. After high school millions of kids get a start in life without any higher education. Going to a college or a university of some sort is one of the wisest choices a person can make. Does the time and effort that individuals put into education pay off? Economists have been investigating these questions since the late 1950s. The answer to that question is Yes! There are many reasons why you should continue your education after high school. A college education gives you choices. Whether you plan to attend a four-year college or university, community college, or technical school, you will gain knowledge and skills that will help you succeed for the rest of your life. Education beyond high school will put you in a better position to help your family, your community and give you the kind of life you dream of having. The more education you pursue, the better career options you will have. Receiving a college education can bring you knowledge, certain work conditions, and money. With a college degree you are able to go into life knowing so much more than you already know Did you know that the lifetime income of families headed by individuals with a bachelor's degree will be about $1.6 million more than the incomes of families headed by those with a high-school diploma, according to the Postsecondary Education Opportunity Research Letter. The U.S. Census Bureau tells us that in 1999, average income for a male age 25 or over who holds a bachelor's degree was about
Bibliography: Coye, Dale. "Ernest Boyer and the New American College:
connecting the 'disconnects. ' " Change May-June 1997
Bowen, Howard R. et. al. Investment in Learning. The Individual and Social Value of American
Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Bird, Caroline. "COLLEGE IS A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY". The Case Against College.