A part-time job is a form of labour where in one works fewer hours per week than that of someone who works at a full time job. Those who have part-time jobs work for less than thirty to thirty-five hours a week. May it be capable, post-graduate adults or under-aged students, the amount of people with part time jobs have increased over the past 20 years in most developed countries.
“There are many reasons for working part time, including the desire to do so, having one 's hours cut back by an employer and being unable to find a full-time job.” []
Many students work part time jobs to supply themselves with additional funds. Working part-time is ideal for students, since it allows them to balance their academic needs with their school needs. This is one of the things some students in High School look forward to when they graduate and step up to college, to have freedom and a preview of the world that is waiting for them once they graduate. They want a peek of the “real world” as some say, which is the world of adults, the working world.
Though some are forced to go through with this as their economic status demands it, there are still many advantages when it comes to taking up part-time jobs. Collegiate students are given a bigger work load than any other department but many still go through with it despite their amount of tasks. It is because for many hardworking students, like ones who had graduated with many honours, it looks good on a resume. The employers usually see this as a good thing for they know that their candidate for employment can handle a large amount of work properly. With a good looking resume, it would not be that hard to get a job.
Moreover, parents would like to give their children a sense of responsibility in which they tell their children to apply for part time jobs so as to let them experience what it feels like to have their own money to budget.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to analyze the