Why Did Andrew Jackson's Assassination Happened?
A few things were happening around the same time Andrew Jacksons attempted assassination happened. The environment was tense considering the president didn’t allow the charter of the second bank by vetoing it. Jackson changed the idea of vetoing and said that the president could veto under any circumstances. In 1834 opponents who were not a fan of Jackson also formed a new party and called themselves Whigs. The Whigs brought groups together including the anti-masonic because Jackson broke apart the republican party. The Whigs disliked Jackson’s policies and were driven to control the power themselves. By 1840, The Whigs had captured the white house and were now known to be the nation’s most dominant party. The Whigs never did gain complete
control in office. The People were not happy with President Jackson and he was concerned himself if he would make it to a second term. As we come to find out he had an attempted assassination coming his way. (keep working on)