One of Canada’s biggest contributions to the war was our Navy. At the start of the war our Navy was obsolete. But by the Battle of the Atlantic we were escorting cargo ships bound for Britain, it was these convoys that supported millions of people and kept Britain in the war. It was very dangerous however because of the wolf packs of German …show more content…
It was the turning point were the allies were able to start recapturing France and eventually defeat Germany. But before D-Day could happen the allies needed to test equipment and German defenses. This was the Dieppe raid. The raid was a total failure however because the Germans were alerted early to the Canadian presence and 3,623 of the 6,086 men who landed were either killed captured or wounded. The allies took what they learned from the Canadian landing and then planned D-day. Canada was one of the three main allied nations to land on the beaches. Thousands of Canadians landed at Juno Beach on D-Day, and under heavy machine gun fire we were still able to secure the beach and reach our goals. Juno Beach was one of five beaches invaded on D-Day. Without Canada’s help it uncertain whether another force could have successfully taken Juno