
Why Did Hitler Become A Key Member Of The German Worker's Party

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Why Did Hitler Become A Key Member Of The German Worker's Party
Hitler became a key member of the German Worker’s Party, helping to enlarge the party by playing off Germans’ fears that Marxists would bring Communist revolution. On February 24, 1920, at a mass meeting, Hitler outlined the Twenty Five Points of the German Worker’s Party. Some of the points he outlined were, cite
• Rejection of the Treaty of Versailles
• Need of additional territories
• Citizenship by race (with no Jew being allowed citizenship)
• All income not earned by work will be confiscated
• Reconstruction of all education
• Religious freedom except for the religions that are dangerous to Germans
• A strong central government
Hitler realized that the movement needed a recognizable symbol or flag. He chose a swastika, a symbol that
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Most Germans couldn’t afford to buy necessities, leading to starvation and depression. In 1923, with many Germans upset with the government, the Nazis decided to strike. Hitler and the Nazi Party led the Beer Hall Putsch, plotting to kidnap the Bavarian leaders from a gathering and force them to make Hitler leader. Things did not go as planned. The Nazi revolution backfired and Hitler was arrested, which made a lot of people think that his political career was over. During his very public trial, Hitler was portrayed as a German patriot and got to speak about his ideas about the fall of Germany and how it had been undermined by German politicians who had negotiated the end of World War I. Hitler was quoted at length in the newspaper, allowing Germans to learn more about his ideas. On April 1, 1924, he was taken to prison, where Rudolf Hess was Hitler’s private secretary, writing his thoughts in what would become the first volume of Mein Kampf, which outlined his political and racial ideas. Here, Hitler categorized humans by appearance, with the top being the perfect Germans, the Aryans, people that had blond hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. All humans were put into higher or lower classes.
“… It (Nazi Philosophy) by no means believes in an equality of races, but along with their difference it recognizes their higher or
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Hitler’s opportunity grew. The German government collapsed, so Chancellor Bruening convinced President Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and call for new elections. Nazi propaganda flooded Germany while Hitler perfected his speeches. On election day, September 14, 1930, the Nazis won 107 seats in the German Reichstag and became the second largest political party in Germany. In 1932, Germany had to have another election. President Hindenburg didn’t want to run again, but knew that if Hitler would won it would be the end of the German Democracy. The fragile German government wasn’t able to hold together and on January 30, 1933, Hitler became Chancellor and the Nazis were given 4 important cabinet posts. In the background, businessmen and politicians were plotting to take the German government back to a dictatorship. They did not know that they had underestimated Hitler’s power and within weeks of his election, Hitler would become the absolute German dictator and would set in motion a chain of events that would start World War II and change our world forever. One of Hitler’s former supporters, General Erich Ludendorff, wrote to President Hindenburg,

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