When Thomas Jefferson became president, he began to change his view on economics drastically. Jefferson and Madison, both republicans, talked about limited government. However when they served as President, both men excersized powers not granted in the constitution. Jefferson originially believed that the country would never exist in harmony as long as the Federalists supported ideas not stated in the Constitution. (A) Despite this, Jefferson purchased large amounts of western land from France in the Lousiana Purchase without senates approval. The Federalists believed this …show more content…
change was unnecessary and took on a stricter view of the Constitution. Madison also did not adhere to the Constitution by keeping Hamiltons financial plan of the Bank of the United States intact. This plan gave the federal government the right to tax the people. Jefferson also continued Hamiltons economic plan by administering tariffs. An example of this was The Embargo Act of 1807 (C. Not only did this go against the Constitution but it also wrecked American export businesses and caused a sharp depression in the Northeast. The protective tariff supported an addition to the revenue tariff, but went against Republican views. Jefferson believed that these changes were necessary as human knowledge and time advanced (G). Federalists did not agree with any of these changes and switched to a more strict view on economics.
Jeffersonian Republicans believed that staying out of wars was important, but Madison went against this by going to war with Britain in the war of 1812.
This was considered broad constructionalism because normally Jeffersonians would try to limit military spending and expansion of their military, yet the decision to go to war was not changed. Most did not agree with the war, but it was most unpopular in New England where citizens were extremely dependent on trade.The Constitution stated that 2/3 must support the war before it can be declared but Jefferson believed he had the final decision (E). Federalists complained that the Consitution did not state anything about enforcing a draft, and that it would be similar to creating a dictator (D). Another way in which Federalists began to exhibit strict behaviors was by setting up the Hartford Convention. This showed that they were trying to secede from the war against Britain, but began the downfall of the Federalist party due to their disloyalty. All of these things show how each party gradually switched their views on the Constitutions
Contrasting views of the judicial branch between Federalists and Republicans were ironically swtiched. In the case of Marbury v. Madison, the United States system of checks and balances was solidifed and the judicial branch gained more power . This was ironic because Jeffersonian Republicans believed in judicial supremacy. This case ultimately benefited Federalists even though Republicans supported it originally. Marbury vs Madison showed the states that the Republicans had revised their views on the Constitution from the Jeffersonian Republic in order to maintain a strong national government. (G) (A).
Both Jeffersonian Republicans and Federalists began with differing views on the Constitution. Through the course of history you can see where they remained firm in their original beliefs, but you can also clearly see that the two parties switched views.