The idea of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) was born in 1999, as Professor Nicholas Negroponte was visiting a Cambodian rural village school previously established by him and his wife. By letting children play with some Panasonic “Toughbook” laptops, Negroponte experienced the power of change that could be brought about by laptops. He was impressed by how “it changed their lives in several ways, improving self-esteem and empowerment and fulfilling the passion for learning".
In 2002 Negroponte created a stir in the PC industry when he announced his innovative project. In January 2005, the non-profit association One Laptop Per Child was created. That same year Negroponte introduced a working prototype at the United Nation World Summit on the Information Society.
Negroponte has a vision to launch an educational movement that would help alleviate poverty by connecting children in developing countries to the rest of the world. “As the pace of change in the world increases dramatically, the urgency to prepare all children to be full citizens of the emerging world also increases dramatically. No one can predict the world our children will inherit. The best preparation for children is to develop the passion for learning and the ability to learn how to learn.”
One Laptop Per child aims “to provide each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop.” To this end, “were designed hardware, content and software for collaborative, joyful, and self-empowered learning. With access to this type of tool, children are engaged in their own education, and learn, share, and create together. They become connected to each other, to the world and to a brighter future.”
To support this vision and mission, Negroponte’s goal was to build hardware and software that would be both affordable and adapted to the specific needs and environment of children in developing countries. To take advantage of economy of