
Why Did Truman Came To America

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Why Did Truman Came To America
MacArthur set forth with a plan that would halt the North Korean advance with a counterattack then cut off their forces with an amphibious landing which we perfected during his time a commander in the Pacific during WWII. Unfortunately, this relied on reinforcements first to come from the United States. The idea of an amphibious landing behind the enemy lines would go on hold till the U.S. commanders could figure out what to do with the North Korean forces that were pushing them further and further south. It would be General of the Army Omar Bradley (1893 – 1981) who would first bring the nuclear option to the table on 9 July 1950 but received no support. He would turn to MacArthur for his opinion in the matter but would also be turned down at the time. Even with no support the Joint Chief of Staffs on July 28 sent ten bombers to Guam with nuclear payloads. Truman denied to the public that he was considering the use of these weapons but authorized their move anyways. This move along with his response to a question at a press conference on 13 July about invading the North if the opportunity came to which Truman responded that they would make the decision when the time came. With the war efforts not looking good for the allies, MacArthur finally got …show more content…
This led to the Wake Island Conference in October of 1950. MacArthur was already there on the island when Truman landed and when MacArthur greeted Truman on the tarmac he shook his hand rather than salute him like he should have. This sign of disrespect was seen by many people as MacArthur not respecting the power of the president. This plus MacArthur declining to stay for the lunch portion was all taken in stride by Truman since he did not care much for the man. The whole conference came down to just a grandstand play for rating rather than an effort to discuss war efforts or possibly a new

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