He even went as far to draft up targets in the case he was given this power. One such thought that had crossed his mind was a plan made by someone else that called for a complete bombing of the North to make it a waste land that no army could cross but he never went as far to submit this plan to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It would be in April of 1951 that Truman finally signed over the power to military command of four nuclear bombs but not to MacArthur who was leading the war efforts. This was done due to the fear the Joint Chiefs of Staff had of MacArthur impulsively carrying out his orders to use such weapons before the allotted timetable. MacArthur throughout the war has done exactly that and seemed to always be carrying out his order before they were “officially” sent
He even went as far to draft up targets in the case he was given this power. One such thought that had crossed his mind was a plan made by someone else that called for a complete bombing of the North to make it a waste land that no army could cross but he never went as far to submit this plan to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It would be in April of 1951 that Truman finally signed over the power to military command of four nuclear bombs but not to MacArthur who was leading the war efforts. This was done due to the fear the Joint Chiefs of Staff had of MacArthur impulsively carrying out his orders to use such weapons before the allotted timetable. MacArthur throughout the war has done exactly that and seemed to always be carrying out his order before they were “officially” sent