With the emergence of the Roman Republic, the Senate, consisting of the patricians of the society, became “the governing body and the only body where debate was possible”. To debate properly in the Senate, “one had to know the persuasive art of rhetoric and oratory, or public speaking”. Cicero and Quintilian, both men of political influence in the Roman Republic, were well known as “quintessential figures of Roman rhetoric”, and they both used this art to promote the power of a leader and to gain
With the emergence of the Roman Republic, the Senate, consisting of the patricians of the society, became “the governing body and the only body where debate was possible”. To debate properly in the Senate, “one had to know the persuasive art of rhetoric and oratory, or public speaking”. Cicero and Quintilian, both men of political influence in the Roman Republic, were well known as “quintessential figures of Roman rhetoric”, and they both used this art to promote the power of a leader and to gain