If one was to look at another individual, who might not appear the same as them, or is capable of doing the same things, should they judge them, based on what they see? Not everyone is capable of doing the same things as others, but they’re still humans, …show more content…
His name is Easton Jay Bowling. Easton was diagnosed with Central Nervous System Dysfunction Autism. He is not placed on the severe end of the spectrum, although a lot of others in the world are. Sure, he has a developmental disorder. But, this doesn’t make him any different than anyone else. He’s still a human being, and an astounding one at that. All he does is think and process things differently. From time to time, he has trouble expressing his emotions. However, he still has a personality equal to the most phenomenal people in this world. Why should he be any less of a …show more content…
Yes, it is hard to treat someone that, say, might be nonverbal, or who is paralyzed, but that’s not their fault. The way handicapped and disabled individuals were born is not something they can prevent, help, or assist. If they could, I’m confident that most would change this process. But, they can’t, so why make their lives any more complicated? Sure, life isn’t fair, but simply just being sympathetic and compassionate can make someone’s day. Virtually, all we need in this world is kindness, and not judging others, based on their appearance. This may sound brainless, but it is simple, and this simple act is an astounding start to making this world a better