In a controlled experiment, these different groups were asked a series of questions to obtain further information about the dark secrets of the cliques. Upon researching the different cliques, a very interesting group was discovered. …show more content…
Hannah Dancer, a senior thats apart of this popular girl clique, stated “we stick with other above average looking girls; most other girls are so basic.” This quote caught us by surprise because it lead us to wonder if the stereotype of popular girls being mean is true. This thought of only hanging out with other good looking girls spread out through all grades, but grades did not interfere with each other. In retrospect, these girls look for good looks in their friends, which may be why so many high school girls create drama and have problems.
The fine arts clique finishes up the research. We were informed that this clique is the “not band clique” because it is composed of band, orchestra, choir, and other fine arts. This is clique is also very sizeable because of the diversity of genders and grade levels within. Kevin Wu, Angela Weaver, and Kyle Brown, were interviewed. They all explained that being in a fine arts is like being in a family. “We share common interests, we feel more connection, and we have more things to converse about.” Some may agree that the fine arts clique share the strongest bond between