In high school being a nerd is a fine line between being accepted and becoming a rejected. As you enter the school you will see a few students sitting on benches. Each of these benches will have one student, each with their head buried in a text book or a video game. This group of people may appear to be a clique but they do not socialize with each other. Giving the students who sit in this area the label “loners” or “socially awkward”. If this doesn’t seem like your kind of crowd, maybe the more social nerds will be the perfect fit. The social nerds ether have their own small group of friends or are extremely popular. If becoming popular is your goal in high school it will be in your best interest to be a student who participates in sports.
Finding acceptance within the jock’s clique will take little to no …show more content…
effort if the student participates in the sports football, basketball, or volleyball. If you participate in any sport other then those three becoming a jock is out of the question. By participating in these sports a student will automatically be launched into the popular group in high school. Unfortunately the jocks don’t all necessary mean being academically successful. Most of the jocks will not complete assignments and distract the class during class time. The jocks will have the mentality that they are above the education system. This attitude was fueled by the administration supporting the athletes by providing special treatment like finding a way to play even with poor grades. Some of these student also fall into another clique known as the Druggies.
This clique I would particularly avoid because drugs are not good for your health and are very illegal.
The students in this clique lack motivation to participate in any school activities other then any sport they may be participating in. If you want to find the druggies’s clique you must walk down a steep hill down to a river behind the school. The druggies may show up to class late and wet after falling into the river from being high. This group may be the druggies but you will hardly see them with the dealer. The only time the dealer will ever interact with the druggies is before exams, where the dealer will give them something to help concentrate during the
When it comes down to deciding what clique to be a part of in high school, always remember life doesn’t end after high school. Being a part of any clique like the nerds, jocks, or druggies is just a part of your high school career. Everyone is different so pick which ever group fits you the best in high school. There will be many opportunities to make new friends that may not be in your main group. High school is only what you make of it, so make the most of it.